Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tower, Talon 08 ready take-off, pad 5!" Thank you

Thank You...

"Blog 108, winds 050 at 30 gusting 200.
You are cleared take-off, your discretion, pad 5."


I thought I'd never get this new blog,
this new "LIFE",
off the ground.

And when you read my bio, you'll understand

But then...

About six weeks ago… everything got good.

Everything got real good!

And it was all because of a family of people
that I had never met.
A family I had never spoken to.
And a family I have yet still to meet.

But… it feels like family to me!

So… here I am! Day number one of my very own
shiny new blogging website with the
Internet Lifestyle Network! I feel the urge to take
her for a spin around the block a few times.
You know, break it in… see what she’s got under the hood.

I want to write a thousand different blogs this
very second that have been brewing in my mind
every day and night for the past few weeks.

Ever since the moment I decided to undertake
this blogging adventure of mine I have been
working on a theme, a campaign, an entire
series of blogs, videos, and yes…huge annual meetings!

I believe in thinking big… REAL BIG!

And what an adventure this is going to be!
I have been planning out the first words I would
post on this inaugural day right down to the
spacing, the word choice, and even the punctuation.

Oh, and the tweaked pictures! Oh yes indeed.
I would post a ton of them. The ones that could
draw people into my world of enthusiasm and
charisma, my own flavor of joy!

I wanted to introduce myself to the whole
world, show them who I was, what I wanted
to accomplish, and of course the message
I will convey with my blog.

Even better! I even thought that I could
make an introductory video.
I practiced smiles in the mirror.
I tried on different shirts with sleeves, buttons,
no buttons, stripes...
Heck, even cologne!

And then…

“I” crept up too much.
I mean the actual thought “I”… “me”…”myself”…
This is not what I want to convey today.
This is not a proper introduction to you my friends.
Who “I am”… is not always about me.
And today…

It’s about all of YOU.

You are the stars in my galaxy of dreams.

Each of you has played a fundamental roll
in showing me the possibility of what life
could really be like. That myself and my
family could live an even more amazing
lifestyle beyond what we currently are.
I thought I thought was the pinnacle of my life.
I see know that there is so much more
out there to accomplish!

The biggest thanks I can give each you right now
my friends, is this…

A very public acknowledgment to YOU as
my very first post here at ILN.

I truly believe that all of you will realize this
gesture and I hope that you know I am deeply
and sincerely thankful for this opportunity
to blog along side of you.

To better myself, my relationships, and my
lifestyle is a gift and I want to make it a PRIORITY
to share this avenue for anyone and everyone.

Vincent Ortega Jr… You sir, are like the airport
beacon piercing through an ink black, stormy night.
I've been low on fuel, exhausted, and circling for
that one special light to guide my aircraft and
my crew back to the safety of the ground.
Your integrity, leadership, and transparency
are highly coveted and admirable qualities.

Clifton Hatfield… Clifton, you definitely are
the engineer of the family. I’m thrilled we have
a man of your incredible skill at the helm.
Not only to keep this huge machine running
but you seem to be able to be in five places at once.
Personally, I think secretly you’re some kind of super hero!

Ashley Hatfield… The artist! The talent!
Every blogger here knows your niche and
you have the talent for bringing each of our
personalities to our blog and letting
the whole world get a feel for who we are.

Rhonda Swan… Again, right from day one
you played a huge role in me being here today.
Huge! I watched you and Vincent Sipping and Rippln,
and so full of energy outside the mansion in Vegas,
and your amazing and unforgettable video story
(My wife was in tears!). OK, we both were.
You just have this combined quality of
a highly professional business woman and
at the same time off the charts contagious energy.
Don’t ever loose that personality!

I have to give a big shout out to Yonatan Aguilar…
My invite to Rippln! Honestly, this is where it all began
and without Yonatan I don’t think I would have
ever discovered this family. Thanks brother.
I bet you've seen some crazy action in my ripple of late huh!?

And to everyone else that has written kind words,
encouraged me, and shared your wisdom with me…

Moku Correa
Jerry Maurer
Heather E Martens
Edward V. Aguilar
Brenda Gagne
and Eng Joo Kho

…just to name a few.

I tip my hat you each and every one of you.

I hope one day I can meet all of you
and thank you in person for
everything that you have brought to my life,
my wife’s, and my daughters.

In the military we acknowledge great efforts
and sacrifice with a “Bravo Zulu”.

And you all of you…

I say Bravo Zulu!

Now… to figure out this AWeber… UGH!
I loooooove a good challenge but I really
need to get down there and get some one on one


Steve Barnes