Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Biznutt DMO Daily Method of Operation - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Do You have a Daily Method of Operation?



You do now!

One key aspect to an entrepreneur’s success is
their DMO (daily method of operation). In fact, without a consistent DMO, you
basically will just struggle to get anything done everyday, which will probably
lead to you being broke. But I’m here to help you prevent that from happening
by showing you how to make your DMO and be more productive.

Here's your life line to creating a DMO.

Grab a hold tight... it's gonna be a fast ride!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes


WakeUpNow Uncut Unedited Unfitlered Uncencored - Steve The Biznutt Barnes





It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife. Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness, physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings.. being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night. #WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD (health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient (#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin products such with our  #Trivani line, it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)


Mental health

Physical health

Financial health

Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at http://www.wakeupnow.com/ids

Think you're ready now?



Steve The Biznutt Barnes

A Day in the #WUNLIFE - Steve The Biznutt Barnes


It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife.
Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness,
physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings..
being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over
the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We
work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not
want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at
the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night.
#WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be
financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being
able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD
(health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient
(#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a
better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin
products such with our  #Trivani line,
it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its
about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)


Mental health
Physical health
Financial health
Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO
requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires
significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a
commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at

Think you're ready now?



Steve The Biznutt Barnes

WakeUpNow Uncut Unedited Unfitlered Uncencored - Steve The Biznutt Barnes





It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife. Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness, physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings.. being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night. #WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD (health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient (#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin products such with our  #Trivani line, it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)


Mental health

Physical health

Financial health

Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at http://www.wakeupnow.com/ids

Think you're ready now?



Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Biznutt Decision - Steve The Biznutt Barnes


Hey Guys... Question: Have YOU Made "The Decision" Yet?

What's the Decision your asking?

If your a team mate, business partner or even a good friend of mine, then you already know what decision I'm asking about.

If not... hang on...

Everything you do in life begins with a decision.

Whether it's...

Diving head first off the edge of the rocks and into that lake

Signing up for new yoga class

Cheating on an algebra test

Looking both ways before crossing that street

Every thing begins with a decision and ends with a result/consequence.

What I'm talking about though... is the full on, no holds barred, no BS conscious decision to fully commit to your personal business.

Committing to it like marriage.

Through thick and think, for richer or poorer, till death do you part and all that jazz.

That kind of decision.

Don't have a business?

No worries... that's where I become your instant BFF, confidant and life long entrepreneurial sidekick.

Yeah... we get that close on my team!

Here's where I'm going...

If you haven't made "The Decision" yet, I want to you to stop whatever it is your doing, get away from ALL DISTRACTIONS and give yourself the time and space and serenity you need to make a definitive, conscious and completely informed decision as to whether you are going to commit to beginning a business or commit to the one you may already have.

When you do.... when you finally and truly commit... there's no more half a$$ going about building your business, growing your team, putting in the hours, and reaping th rewards.

Its become very, VERY clear in your mind that you have burned the ships and there is NO RETREAT from your commitment.

It scary yes....


I invite you to learn MORE about my business and how I run it.

I've created a complete review of WakeUpNow for you right here...


And I've also created multiple YouTube videos for you as well.

Be certain and subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you like my material.


When you're at my BLOG www.Biznutt.com be sure and get your name on that list up at the top of the page so that I can stay in touch with you.

Here's the benefits of that...

I'll keep you in the "special" loop, invite you to ALL of our free training's, send you tips & tricks to building a successful business and also help you make the decision to become the very BEST you can with your business... no matter what it is.

My door will ALWAYS be open to you!

All I ask is that you come with a positive attitude, you come with your sleeves rolled up ready to work and you commit to yourself, your business and our team for a minimum of 12 months.

This is NOT an over night business we're building and what I'm offering to give to you is a life long opportunity creating an income and a legacy right from where you're perched reading this today.

Love & Respect as always,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

www.The Biznutt.com

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Troy Dooly Talks about WUNfit and WakeUpNow

The 2014 WakeUpNow Corporate Event

Just Wrapped Up And Troy Dooly... Approves!

When Troy Dooly was invited by the President

Jason Elrod to come and visit the WakeUpNow

headquarters in Provo Utah the whole world

waited to hear what would be said.

The result of that visit was

nothing short of… phenomenal!

But hey… you don’t have to take

my word for it…  listen to Troy!

CLICK HERE ---> http://wp.me/p3NoOs-Mj

Steve The Biznutt Barnes
