Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How To Get Un-Banned From YouTube - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

YouTube sadly banned my channel (by complete mistake) but they were AMAZINGLY kind enough to hear my plea and have a second gander to see what was up...

If you've ever had your channel banned then you know it's nearly impossible to get un-banned unless you're in pretty good standing with YouTube.

To get the TRULY un-filtered, un-edited, raw and un-censored story... you'll want to go here...

Thankfully YouTube came though in style and un-banned my channel!

Thank You YouTube!

I know you were only doing your job but... whew... scared me there!

Don't forget to Subscribe and comment below.

Let me know if you've ever been banned and of course let me know if you've gotten that ban lifted!

Love and Respect as always,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

How To Get Un-Banned From YouTube - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Monday, October 13, 2014

RARE F-18 a Hawk Jet and a Harvard-II in formation - The Biznutt

Think that's cool... come in for a visit!

Coming Together To Create Something Epic!

The RAREST VIDEO you'll ever see with an F-18, a Hawk, and a Harvard-II.

What was SPECIAL about the day we took this video...

...has a whole new meaning to me now.

It was a HUGE milestone that day to fly what's called a "dissimilar formation".

Meaning... you need to have written permission up the ying-yang in order to put three aircraft of such different capabilities and performance characteristics in the exact same airspace in in such close proximity.

What was so special about that day was that it was the first and last time we'll ever do this with these three aircraft. I thought the rarity of the day was the cool part.

Even though they all fly, they all take off from the same base, they all have ejection seats and they can all carry weapon systems... etc...

These three aircraft have such a different role in the CF we never work together.

Now... when I look at this video and I see three different capabilities coming together to work in unison to demonstrate what CAN be done!

I see three completely different levels of expertise in the same organisation coming together to perform something epic.

I see that when you bring together different people with different skill set... nothing is impossible!

Now... which plane are you?

Let's ALL work together and create something legendary!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

P.S. Did you know a Harvard-II turboprop can out manoeuvre an F-18 ;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Proper Training with The Biznutt

The Foundation To A Successful Business Lay In The Training!

After a year and $25,000 spent on training... HERE is where
to get it all... for FREE!

OK... it's Day #3 of the Biznutt 10 Day Business Blitz and
the schedule is JAM PACKED with awesome goodness for YOU!

On day #1 I taught you the importance of crafting and
implementing a DMO (Daily Method of Operation)


On Day #2 I stressed the importance of committing to your
new DMO and putting it into action.


Today... on Day #3 I'm going to give you the fundamentally
important Training component to your business.


And that... is WHERE to attain the crucial Knowledge, the
Training and the Skill set necessary to become Ultimately Successful in ANY Business.

Dive in discover where I get ALL my training... for FREE...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Commit And Take Action Day 2 of the 10 Day Biznutt Business Blitz

I'm Committed... are You?
So you've created your DMO... Now it’s time to Take Action!

Find out "How To Commit and Take Action"... watch this!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes