Saturday, December 13, 2014

Learn How To Sell Thunder

My Business Brother Zachary... is about to show you EXACTLY how we make a KILLING through promoting out WakeUpNow Thunder and ThunderBolt Healthy Energy Drink!

I have had multiple people ask me how I am having success with selling our AMAZING Energy Drinks in my Local Retail Stores, so I decided to make a video showing you the detailed, but SIMPLE strategy that I am doing to create MASSIVE SUCCESS!! Enjoy ;)

Now, if you are watching this video and you are not on my team or are on the outside looking in, and you like what you see, I would like to invite you to join our team now, as we are having EXPLOSIVE growth, and would like to share it with you!! What you just seen in this video is only one of the opportunities to achieve success inside of Wake Up Now... 

We have many other great products and services that you can offer to the world, whether it's our Digital Products that help you Save, Manage, and Make Money, our Physical Products, Vacation Club, or even our Social Distribution Network...that allows you to save on everything you already buy anyways!! We have ALL the solutions for you to build a SUCCESSFUL...HEALTHY...and WEALTHY Lifestyle!! Click below to get started TODAY, by creating a FREE account, or purchasing either our Platinum (WUNLife Package) or Explore Pack to get fully qualified as an Independent Business Owner...CLICK BELOW to learn more!

If you have any questions or comments on what you heard here today, please feel free to comment below, Private Message me personally, or call or text me at my personal cell below!!

All My Best,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes
(347) 395-4336

P.s... I almost forgot to the video I forgot to mention...whoops lol... "What Do You Do Once The Product Starts Selling Like Hot-Cakes At These Local Retailers?? Do You Personally Keep Stocking The Retailer With More Product or Do You Sign Them Up As Preferred Customers and Have Them Purchase From Themselves???"

Answer: Great Question!... Once The Retailer Has Sold Through The Product That You Consigned To Them...First Collect Your Money lol, and then YES, what you will want to do is...Sign them up as a Preferred Customer! This is IMPORTANT, as an IBO you are only able to purchase a limit of 10 cases per month personally, so obviously as you sell to more stores you won't be able to have that much in stock, by doing this it will allow unlimited cases to be sold...Secondly, this will allow you to place those Preferred Customers in your organization strategically so you can build a more stable income and help other team members...BOOM!

Now, there is another option as well, you can ENROLL in the Thunder Distribution Program @ , I personally see what I am doing to have success is much easier for most people to do, and I am having ALOT of SUCCESS, so that's up to you!!...Hope This Helps ;)

~Steve The Biznutt Barnes~
(347) 395-4336

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How To Get Un-Banned From YouTube - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

YouTube sadly banned my channel (by complete mistake) but they were AMAZINGLY kind enough to hear my plea and have a second gander to see what was up...

If you've ever had your channel banned then you know it's nearly impossible to get un-banned unless you're in pretty good standing with YouTube.

To get the TRULY un-filtered, un-edited, raw and un-censored story... you'll want to go here...

Thankfully YouTube came though in style and un-banned my channel!

Thank You YouTube!

I know you were only doing your job but... whew... scared me there!

Don't forget to Subscribe and comment below.

Let me know if you've ever been banned and of course let me know if you've gotten that ban lifted!

Love and Respect as always,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

How To Get Un-Banned From YouTube - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Monday, October 13, 2014

RARE F-18 a Hawk Jet and a Harvard-II in formation - The Biznutt

Think that's cool... come in for a visit!

Coming Together To Create Something Epic!

The RAREST VIDEO you'll ever see with an F-18, a Hawk, and a Harvard-II.

What was SPECIAL about the day we took this video...

...has a whole new meaning to me now.

It was a HUGE milestone that day to fly what's called a "dissimilar formation".

Meaning... you need to have written permission up the ying-yang in order to put three aircraft of such different capabilities and performance characteristics in the exact same airspace in in such close proximity.

What was so special about that day was that it was the first and last time we'll ever do this with these three aircraft. I thought the rarity of the day was the cool part.

Even though they all fly, they all take off from the same base, they all have ejection seats and they can all carry weapon systems... etc...

These three aircraft have such a different role in the CF we never work together.

Now... when I look at this video and I see three different capabilities coming together to work in unison to demonstrate what CAN be done!

I see three completely different levels of expertise in the same organisation coming together to perform something epic.

I see that when you bring together different people with different skill set... nothing is impossible!

Now... which plane are you?

Let's ALL work together and create something legendary!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

P.S. Did you know a Harvard-II turboprop can out manoeuvre an F-18 ;)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Proper Training with The Biznutt

The Foundation To A Successful Business Lay In The Training!

After a year and $25,000 spent on training... HERE is where
to get it all... for FREE!

OK... it's Day #3 of the Biznutt 10 Day Business Blitz and
the schedule is JAM PACKED with awesome goodness for YOU!

On day #1 I taught you the importance of crafting and
implementing a DMO (Daily Method of Operation)


On Day #2 I stressed the importance of committing to your
new DMO and putting it into action.


Today... on Day #3 I'm going to give you the fundamentally
important Training component to your business.


And that... is WHERE to attain the crucial Knowledge, the
Training and the Skill set necessary to become Ultimately Successful in ANY Business.

Dive in discover where I get ALL my training... for FREE...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Commit And Take Action Day 2 of the 10 Day Biznutt Business Blitz

I'm Committed... are You?
So you've created your DMO... Now it’s time to Take Action!

Find out "How To Commit and Take Action"... watch this!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Biznutt DMO Daily Method of Operation - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Do You have a Daily Method of Operation?

You do now!

One key aspect to an entrepreneur’s success is
their DMO (daily method of operation). In fact, without a consistent DMO, you
basically will just struggle to get anything done everyday, which will probably
lead to you being broke. But I’m here to help you prevent that from happening
by showing you how to make your DMO and be more productive.

Here's your life line to creating a DMO.

Grab a hold tight... it's gonna be a fast ride!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

WakeUpNow Uncut Unedited Unfitlered Uncencored - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife. Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness, physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings.. being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night. #WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD (health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient (#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin products such with our  #Trivani line, it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)

Mental health

Physical health

Financial health

Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at

Think you're ready now?


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

A Day in the #WUNLIFE - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife.
Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness,
physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings..
being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over
the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We
work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not
want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at
the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night.
#WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be
financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being
able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD
(health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient
(#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a
better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin
products such with our  #Trivani line,
it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its
about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)

Mental health
Physical health
Financial health
Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO
requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires
significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a
commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at

Think you're ready now?


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

WakeUpNow Uncut Unedited Unfitlered Uncencored - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

It's a simple concept.

Let me ask you... "Are you open to it?"

We are out there in the world promoting the WUNlife. Prosperity & wellness throughout all parts of life. Financial wellness, physical wellness, financial education, self development, value, savings.. being part of a different yet better collection of individuals from all over the world, from all different backgrounds who share the same goals in life. We work smart, we play hard, we eat good, we travel, we inspire. Why would you not want to be part of this... even before the big money?

#WunLife isn't only a bunch of young people living it up at the Ritz & having a blast, driving cars & partying all day and night. #WunLife is about being well in ALL parts of your life. Its learning to be financially free & independent with through using #WUNFinance, its being able to travel at deep discounts, its having that piece of mind with #WUNMD (health is your wealth), and its about having things more convenient (#WUNPersonalAssistant & purchasing things through the #WUNHUB)... Its a better, more healthy energy drink in #Thunder, its healthier & safer skin products such with our  #Trivani line, it's about being around professional entrepreneurs, and last but not least, its about creating wealth! (whether that's $600 or 100k+ per month)

Mental health

Physical health

Financial health

Personal development

That's what I think of when I think of living the #WunLife

Results not typical. Earning a commission as a Wakeupnow IBO requires significant work. Earning a commission as a WakeUpNow IBO requires significant work. There may be some circumstances where IBO's may not earn a commission.. Please refer to the Wakeupnow income disclosure statement at

Think you're ready now?


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Biznutt Decision - Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Hey Guys... Question: Have YOU Made "The Decision" Yet?

What's the Decision your asking?

If your a team mate, business partner or even a good friend of mine, then you already know what decision I'm asking about.

If not... hang on...

Everything you do in life begins with a decision.

Whether it's...

Diving head first off the edge of the rocks and into that lake

Signing up for new yoga class

Cheating on an algebra test

Looking both ways before crossing that street

Every thing begins with a decision and ends with a result/consequence.

What I'm talking about though... is the full on, no holds barred, no BS conscious decision to fully commit to your personal business.

Committing to it like marriage.

Through thick and think, for richer or poorer, till death do you part and all that jazz.

That kind of decision.

Don't have a business?

No worries... that's where I become your instant BFF, confidant and life long entrepreneurial sidekick.

Yeah... we get that close on my team!

Here's where I'm going...

If you haven't made "The Decision" yet, I want to you to stop whatever it is your doing, get away from ALL DISTRACTIONS and give yourself the time and space and serenity you need to make a definitive, conscious and completely informed decision as to whether you are going to commit to beginning a business or commit to the one you may already have.

When you do.... when you finally and truly commit... there's no more half a$$ going about building your business, growing your team, putting in the hours, and reaping th rewards.

Its become very, VERY clear in your mind that you have burned the ships and there is NO RETREAT from your commitment.

It scary yes....


I invite you to learn MORE about my business and how I run it.

I've created a complete review of WakeUpNow for you right here...

And I've also created multiple YouTube videos for you as well.

Be certain and subscribe to my YouTube Channel if you like my material.

When you're at my BLOG be sure and get your name on that list up at the top of the page so that I can stay in touch with you.

Here's the benefits of that...

I'll keep you in the "special" loop, invite you to ALL of our free training's, send you tips & tricks to building a successful business and also help you make the decision to become the very BEST you can with your business... no matter what it is.

My door will ALWAYS be open to you!

All I ask is that you come with a positive attitude, you come with your sleeves rolled up ready to work and you commit to yourself, your business and our team for a minimum of 12 months.

This is NOT an over night business we're building and what I'm offering to give to you is a life long opportunity creating an income and a legacy right from where you're perched reading this today.

Love & Respect as always,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Troy Dooly Talks about WUNfit and WakeUpNow

The 2014 WakeUpNow Corporate Event

Just Wrapped Up And Troy Dooly... Approves!

When Troy Dooly was invited by the President

Jason Elrod to come and visit the WakeUpNow

headquarters in Provo Utah the whole world

waited to hear what would be said.

The result of that visit was

nothing short of… phenomenal!

But hey… you don’t have to take

my word for it…  listen to Troy!


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Friday, August 29, 2014

Steve The Biznutt Barnes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Subscribe to my channel if you can handle MORE of this...

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge... BIZNUTT Style!

Honestly.. what did you expect from The Biznutt.

Hey guys, PLEASE drop into and have a read through about what this disease is and how it affects the people with and living with ALS. It's a nightmare I'd love to see end. Together... we WILL defeat this crippling disease.

WARNING: I poke fun in my videos and I am HUGE fan of going that extra mile. For this video... I went the extra mile. If you like the video and had a laugh then I've done what I set out to do. If you want to make a donation to ALS that would make all the effort I put in, and every one else doing this, worth it.

I'm not going to call out three people to do this challenge and put them through this because, well... really... do YOU want to follow me up on this lol!

Enjoy and share away if you feel it's worthy!

Thank for watching


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Steve The Biznutt Barnes ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Power Business Building Notes From Secret Mastermind Session - The Biznutt

Is this the Barrier Smashing video you've been waiting for?  

Listen, I won't even TRY and go where Franco goes in this

I'll tell you this. It's a wake up call loud and clear!

Take the time to watch this and you'll discover something so
incredibly powerful and rare that if you listen closely... it will smash the business
you have (or want to have) through ANY barrier.

And let me ask you this..."Where do YOU want to go? What
do YOU want to accomplish? What is it that YOU want help with when it comes to
building a business?"

I want you to know my door is ALWAYS open and these are the
things that I wan to hear from you.

One on one.

This IS NOT about "hitting the numbers" for me. It
is NOT about achieving a monthly income level either.

It's about HELPING you and SERVING you and making CERTAIN
that YOU achieve YOUR goals. That is where I want to fit into your life.


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wake Up Now Explore Pack - Biznutt

Remember in High School when you told all your friends you were going to travel the world, see the sites and wonders, taste exotic foods, meet new people in new places? The WakeUpNow Explore Package makes that possible with a complete product suite of tools and support to help you travel better, safer, and smarter.

With the Explore Package, you become a member of the WakeUpNow Vacation Club and gain industry level access to the best travel deals around. Book world-class condos, cruises, and hotels with ease. Access valuable tools to help you budget your trip and save on business travel expenses. Learn the local language before you get there.

Plus, the Explore Package offers two new products available only through this product suite: WUN MD and WUN Personal Assistant. Traveling just became better and less stressful with these two items.

Bonus Details

When you enroll a customer in the Explore Package, you receive a $20 bonus upon enrollment, paid as part of your next month's commissions. To qualify for the $20 Explore Package Bonus, you must be an IBO. The bonus is awarded one time per customer enrolled. There is no cap to the bonus, which means you can enroll two, five, ten, or more people and receive the one-time bonus upon enrollment for each person enrolled. The bonus is separate from line max, payout max, and other requirements.

Cost Details

The Explore Package cost is $149.99 per month. Volume for the enroller is 90 CV for the first month of enrollment and 95 CV every month after. For the person who purchases the Explore Package and for the enroller's group organization, the package generates 95 PV and 95 GV for the first month and every month after.

Get stared today right here...

or learn EVERYTHING about Wake Up Now right here...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Les Brown Discover the Entrepreneurial Mindset Pt 2 of 3 - The Biznutt

Be sure and watch Video #1

And #3

Les Brown Talks About Discovering the "Entrepreneurial Mindset"

Today I want to share with you a 3 part video series with motivational speaker Les Brown.

Les Brown is one of the GREATEST speakers of all time and has an incredible story to tell!

Remember: as you become better at your business (or if you have always wanted to start your own), it gets easier and easier for you. Make the commitment to grow yourself first so that you can reach a level of success that most people never reach. Instead of settling for a life at the bottom of the ladder receiving promotions and better jobs under the illusion of career advancement, I want you to OWN your own business! Where YOU are the BOSS, the CEO, the one who gets paid for YOUR efforts and NOT according to someone else. You deserve it. You've earned it.

If you're ready to take on the world and become a true entrepreneur, the first action you must take is to prepare your self for wealth. You can do that by joining me and the Simple Freedom Team. Why? Because we are a group of successful professional entrepreneurs who work together utilizing the greatest company on-line today and we want to teach you everything there is to know about creating a residual monthly income from home, all in your spare time. It's really far more simple that you can possibly imagine. If you car turn on a computer... you can make money! We provide you with the proper material, guidance, tools, training and we network with other incredible wealthy entrepreneurs as well. If you're ready them let's GO!

Check it out for yourself...

I hope you've enjoyed the videos by Les Brown. He is one of my personal favourite motivational speakers and you can find many more motivational video right here on my site and also on my YouTube Channel. Be sure and subscribe here...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Les Brown Discover the Entrepreneurial Mindset Pt 3 of 3 - The Biznutt

Be sure and watch Video #1

And #2

Les Brown Talks About Discovering the "Entrepreneurial Mindset"

Today I want to share with you a 3 part video series with motivational speaker Les Brown.

Les Brown is one of the GREATEST speakers of all time and has an incredible story to tell!

Remember: as you become better at your business (or if you have always wanted to start your own), it gets easier and easier for you. Make the commitment to grow yourself first so that you can reach a level of success that most people never reach. Instead of settling for a life at the bottom of the ladder receiving promotions and better jobs under the illusion of career advancement, I want you to OWN your own business! Where YOU are the BOSS, the CEO, the one who gets paid for YOUR efforts and NOT according to someone else. You deserve it. You've earned it.

If you're ready to take on the world and become a true entrepreneur, the first action you must take is to prepare your self for wealth. You can do that by joining me and the Simple Freedom Team. Why? Because we are a group of successful professional entrepreneurs who work together utilizing the greatest company on-line today and we want to teach you everything there is to know about creating a residual monthly income from home, all in your spare time. It's really far more simple that you can possibly imagine. If you car turn on a computer... you can make money! We provide you with the proper material, guidance, tools, training and we network with other incredible wealthy entrepreneurs as well. If you're ready them let's GO!

Check it out for yourself...

I hope you've enjoyed the videos by Les Brown. He is one of my personal favourite motivational speakers and you can find many more motivational video right here on my site and also on my YouTube Channel. Be sure and subscribe here...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Les Brown Discover the Entrepreneurial Mindset Pt 1 of 3 - The Biznutt

Les Brown Talks About Discovering the "Entrepreneurial Mindset"
Today I want to share with you a 3 part video series with motivational speaker Les Brown.
Les Brown is one of the GREATEST speakers of all time and has an incredible story to tell!
Remember: as you become better at your business (or if you have always wanted to start your own), it gets easier and easier for you. Make the commitment to grow yourself first so that you can reach a level of success that most people never reach. Instead of settling for a life at the bottom of the ladder receiving promotions and better jobs under the illusion of career advancement, I want you to OWN your own business! Where YOU are the BOSS, the CEO, the one who gets paid for YOUR efforts and NOT according to someone else. You deserve it. You've earned it.

If you're ready to take on the world and become a true entrepreneur, the first action you must take is to prepare your self for wealth. You can do that by joining me and the Simple Freedom Team. Why? Because we are a group of successful professional entrepreneurs who work together utilizing the greatest company on-line today and we want to teach you everything there is to know about creating a residual monthly income from home, all in your spare time. It's really far more simple that you can possibly imagine. If you car turn on a computer... you can make money! We provide you with the proper material, guidance, tools, training and we network with other incredible wealthy entrepreneurs as well. If you're ready them let's GO!

Check it out for yourself...

I hope you've enjoyed the videos by Les Brown. He is one of my personal favourite motivational speakers and you can find many more motivational video right here on my site and also on my YouTube Channel. Be sure and subscribe here...


Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday Wake Up Call - The Biznutt


Tune in every Thursday for the un-filtered, un-cut, and un-edited LIVE Entrepreneurial show that brings you more laughs and value than a comedian with a DHP... Baaahahahaha!!

Thursday 3pm EST

See you there!

Love and Respect,

Steve  The Biznutt Barnes

& Jeremy BigChips Neal

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Give Away - Wake Up Now The Biznutt

The FASTEST way to grow your business is to GIVE AWAY something for FREE! Here's my gift to you!

People come to me all the time and ask how the heck our Wake Up Now team is having SO MUCH SUCCESS?

Well... its' easy!

We GIVE AWAY our internet marketing training worth thousands of dollars... for FREE!

Think I'm Kidding? Watch the video and see how YOU can get $2000 worth of FREE training right now simply by clicking a button!

Or.. you can go right here and check it out...

Want to get onboard with our Simple Freedom Team and join the hottest Wake Up Now team on the planet... Wake Up Empowered? Thought you might!

Check it out right here...

And don't forget to subscribe to you YouTube Channel!

There's a lot more madness and crazy zaniness that will leave you in stitches exploding your gut and your business!

Love and Respect,

Steve "The Biznutt" Barnes

Monday, May 12, 2014

Negative Nancies - Wake Up Now The Biznutt

Hang onto you Biz socks folks!

Here is The Biznutt's 11 Negative Nancy's that "Guru Leaders" could out there that can kill you business faster than a lousy CFO, a "Do as I say, not as I do leader" and... one night in one night in Bangkok!

Our Simple Freedom Team keeps is simple. Simple to the point where it is allowing EVERYONE on our Wake Up Now team to duplicate with ease and have unparalleled success! Unlike any other company I have seen!

The problem.. is that kind of success bring other "leaders" and "gurus" sniffing around, poking their heads in, and giving people bad, BAD advice! My Mentor Franco Gonzalez made a post today that really lit a fire in me. I wanted to share with you that same fire in my video of the day.

Here's exactly what will happen when you simplify stuff and duplicate and it works... some jack ass "know it all" who hasn't built anything will come into it and bring their "need to complicate" and try that old, tired spin of:

"The reason so many people are failing in your company is because they are not "educated" so please, while I love your company, please click on my link and buy up all my shit so that you can be "educated" to market like I do... which is to say... to come inside and complicate everything by selling doubt and back ending them into my education-racket junk that never duplicates anyway..."

This is as old as dirt, but online it's been used since about 2005 in our arena and if you see it coming into your organization, get rid of the tumour. Block, delete, and ban. Here's what's happening:

1. You're succeeding.

2. Simple is working.

3. You've now created a juicy keyword.

4. Vultures will come in dressed as "teachers" and "team players".

5. They want to sell their shit to your team.

6. They don't care that it can destroy it.

7. Cause they've never built anything anyway.

8. They don't believe in building a team.

9. They just believe in selling shit.

10. They will never be satisfied no matter how much training you give...

11. Cause unless they're selling THEIR training, it's not good enough.

12. Here's the best solution...

13. Kick their ego ass out the door and ban them.

14. Have them go try their tired crap with another team.

It's not happening in my team cause we watch for that amateur play...

...but I see it destroying other young, good teams out there in all companies.

And when you call them on their bullshit, their "leaders" will say you're being negative and you should be positive etc etc...

...but it's always ok for them to be negative as they plough into other people's programs and spread their BS "with a positive smile"...

Beware of that mind and word kung fu and tell them to get their positive, whining asses off your team and go take that crap somewhere else.

They know EXACTLY what they're doing and how to respond to a number of situations... so tell them if they can't take the heat, to get the F#$% out of your kitchen and go build a real team and business from scratch (which most have never done).

This has been your ‪#‎SimpleFreedom‬ public service announcement for today.

Can you see why I our Team is exploding? It's obvious we do things different from everyone else. We don't listen to what the "Guru's" tell us we "have to do" and we march to the beat of our own drum! Maybe that has something to do with the fact that we are the Greatest Team Build In The History Of All Mankind!

Too many people are over complicating it!

Keep it simple! That's why we call our team Simple Freedom!

If you want to learn more about out Team you can check out our FREE TRAINING right here...

And if you're ready to step up to the plate like thousands of others who are having life changing success with Wake Up Now then you've most definitely found the guy and the team, that is going to help you make that happen!

Check it out right here...

Here's the link for my YouTube channel if you think you want to see more of this kind of madness...

Love and respect as always,

Steve "The Biznutt" Barnes

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Invest In Your Marketing Knowledge - Wake Up Now The Biznutt

Invest In Your Marketing Knowledge   Wake Up Now The Biznutt

The most valuable investment in life is in you. Because life is
constantly changing and evolving, knowledge and skill are the ultimate currency
and always have been. Invest in your marketing know how and your business will
flourish. Guaranteed!
Think about it for a moment. All the major advancements of man
throughout the years, from inventing the wheel to flying oh let's say a
helicopter were all born out of increased levels of knowledge.

When it comes to running to your business and especially an online
network marketing business you need to be willing to invest in yourself to
really make it work. People spend thousands of hours training and honing their
skills to become the best of the best.

"The more you learn - The more you earn!" - The Biznutt
Many people make the mistake of investing in course after course
when they are developing their business online and not investing anything in
themselves personally. Our Wake Up Now Team called Wake Up Empowered use Eric
Worre's Go Pro book as a blueprint for how to build and run a successful
network marketing business.

Having a look at the psychology of making money and how you can be
stopping yourself doing it unconsciously as well as proper business practice is
paramount for success online or offline.
Most people are continually looking for the business in a box idea
without realizing that what is going with their mind and emotions is what is
controlling their level of income and success. Big mistake. Your business mind
is your biggest asset so invest in it!
That is not to say that you don't need to invest in new ways to
make money online which is part of personal development. This area of
investment is important too, but you need to combine the two areas in order to
make it.

Let me share with you a saying from Abraham Lincoln.
He said "I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today
than he was yesterday". Learning is a continuous process, so you need to
constantly upgrade yourself.

I'm not saying that you should go out there and buy every single internet
marketing course. No-no-no! Just buy those that will help your business right
now. Like Eric Worre's Go Pro 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing
Professional. As a business owner, you have to be willing to invest in
yourself, be it your own internet marketing education or your own personal or
business growth. Business owners spend money on the right tools and the right
resources that will bring their business to the next level.
Your growth is not just limited to internet marketing stuff. You
should always seek to upgrade yourself in ALL aspects of your life, be it
personal development, relationships, etc.

There is an old saying that goes "an education is never
wasted" and this definitely holds true today.

It is possible to regret many things in life but investing time in
yourself is not one of them.

The knowledge that you gain from books, seminars and courses will
always be money well spent.

Be sure and check out where exactly I am investing my time,
energy, and knowledge. Come and check out our Wake Up Now Team right here and
see exactly why we are fast becoming one of the most d recognized and
successful network marketing teams on-line and off-line....

Also be sure and subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking

I have a few special, VERY SPECIAL spots open on our team right
now and by taking immediate action on these spots in particular you are
leveraging a unique position in the team. I'd say get it while it's hot.

Love and Respect,

Steve "The Biznutt" Barnes 

Friday, May 9, 2014

No Excuses - Wake Up Now The Biznutt

Subscribe for more madness:


Too many people, have too many excuses of why they can't do something!

Are some things in life tough? Yes!

Does that mean you quit? No!

Most things in life are tough. Let's get over that fact and move forward.

My philosophy is that if it's hard, its because the rewards are massive!

People see network marketing as the answer to their problems.

Well... it can serve as tool to fuel the solution but really, its the outcome of network marketing that is the true solution.

Along ANYONE'S journey down the road to creating a successful business there are going to be hurdle, stumbles and road blocks to over come. What you decide to do when you come to them is up to you but it defines the level of success that you and you business will have.

You see.. its NOT the challenges in life that define you... but what you choose to do with those challenges.

You can either make excuses and give up... or you can choose to fight, to seek out a way, to find the answer and succeed!

No More Excuses!

Excuses are a lazy mans reason for not doing something.

Growing a successful on-line business IS difficult. So is becoming successful at ANYTHING. If it was easy... everyone would be successful. The truth is you CAN succeed with the proper attitude, guidance, knowledge, and determination.

I can't guarantee you success but I can tell you that if you make the decision to join our team, lock arms with its member, and be willing to put in the effort you WILL wake up to an entirely new lifestyle.

Don't make excuses of why you can't do anything and everything! If you want something in life, then lets make it happen. Lets work together and achieve greatness together. There is NO stronger person than one who does NOT make excuses.

Wake up to your future... welcome to Wake Up Now...


Steve "The Biznutt" Barnes

No Excuses - Wake Up Now The Biznutt

Friday, May 2, 2014

Go Pro with Eric Worre - The Biznutt (+playlist)

Go Pro - 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional

Top of the morning gang!! The Biznutt here to tell you... HOLY SHNIKEES... I just got my copy of gopro-book Eric Worre's Go Pro in the mail and man oh man am I one happy Entrepreneur!

Ok, here the deal on Go Pro...

Over twenty years ago at a company convention, Eric Worre had an aha moment that changed his life forever. At that event he made the decision to Go Pro and become a Network Marketing expert. Since that time, he has focused on developing the skills to do just that. In doing so, Eric has touched and been touched by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Now he shares his wisdom in a guide that will ignite your passion for this profession and help you make the decision to Go Pro and create the life of your dreams.

In this definitive guidebook, you will learn to:

Find prospects

Invite them to your product or opportunity

Present your product

Follow up with your prospects

Help them become customers or distributors

Help them get started right

Grow your team by promoting events

And much, much more.

Eric Worre Author Go Pro

Eric's wish...

"My wish for you is for you to make the decision to become a Network Marketing Professional.  For you to truly Go Pro. Because it is a stone-cold fact that Network Marketing is a better way. Now let's go tell the world."

If you want your own copy of the Go Pro then simply CLICK HERE...

DO NOT forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel below...

And get ready for the OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME because

this is where we make the magic happen...

If you aren't already running a successful home business... then what's stopping you?

We take pride in helping people become as successful as their imaginations will let them!

Here is a PERFECT example of how we are able to finally have the Lifestyle that so

many people are after... watch this!

Drop up a line on our Facebook page

Or e-mail us at

Either was ask us how we can hep you become a network marketing pro!

Love and Respect,

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Day In The Life Of The Biznutt - Steven Barnes - Internet Lifestyle Ne...

So... everyone wants to know what it's like to be the Biznutt.

I have had a countless e-mails as of late asking me HOW do you do it Biznutt?

How did you and Jeremy get to the number one position with the Internet Lifestyle Network and Global Resorts Network?

Are you sure you want to know...?

I mean are you willing to sit there and listen to what I have to say?

I will spend all day long teaching people, inspiring them, and giving them my 100% absolute BEST every single day.

I will!

Because I want nothing more than for people to write me and say "Steve... Biznutt... that was awesome! I get it now. I'm ready to do this for REAL! I want to join YOU, and YOUR TEAM, and the Internet Lifestyle Network! I love the fact that you're a NO Bull $hit kind of guy. You tell it like it is and THAT is why I want to work alongside you!"

No it's not all pretty and most definitely it's NOT going to be what you thought it was like.

The brochure is ALWAYS nicer.

Remember that!

The fact is this...

To be The Biznutt and to be your boy BigChips takes a lot of work. Just like Vincent Ortega Jr, Clifton and Ashley Hatfield, and Mark Hoverson!

These people DO NOT sit around all day doing nothing.

They put in countless hours of effort in order to attain the success they have.

At the end of the day you will get out of your business what you put into it!

The Biznutt... is no different!

Watch the video and really LISTEN to what I'm telling you. I want you to understand that YES... you CAN HAVE the same success Jeremy and I are having with ... but you had BETTER be willing to work for it.

Never ever quit, give-up, and don't you ever stop trying!

The only people who fail in this industry are those that quit.

If you are inspired and ready to build your legacy and do it with integrity, and with a couple of real-world leaders... then simply click the link below and I will be there to greet you on the other side!

Jeremy and I welcome to long and beautiful relationship with Biz&Chips.

Check out our incredible lifestyle right here...

Join our Internet Lifestyle Network Dream Team and you'll find yourself on the fast track to a very successful home based business where YOU... are the BOSS!

Get started with the Internet Lifestyle Network right here...

Never quit believing!

Love and Respect,

Steven Barnes

A MUST SEE Flight Safety Video with SuperModels! - The Biznutt

You know as a Military Pilot, especially a helicopter pilot, we don't have a requirement for air flight safety videos on our aircraft or even share the same equipment as our Public compatriots.

But BOY do I WISH we did!

Enjoy as Air New Zealand unveils their new flight safety video starring Sports Illustrated swimsuit models.

Yup... you read that right :)

The airline's full-length 'Safety in Paradise' video contains all you need to know to stay safe during your flight, but there's a twist — the information is given by models like Christie Brinkley, Chrissy Teigen and Jessica Gomes in bikinis.

Air New Zealand has turned up the heat in its latest safety video and I think the temperature is just right :)

The full version of its "Safety in Paradise" video, which features famous bikini babes informing passengers about the proper way to put on their oxygen masks and inflate their flotation devices, was released last Tuesday.

Model Ariel Meredith lets travelers known the proper way to put on an oxygen mask should one drop down during their flight.

The sexy video also marks the 50th anniversary of Sports Illustrated's famous swimsuit issue. It was filmed in New Zealand's picture-perfect Cook Islands.

Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen takes part in an Air New Zealand flight safety video.

'Safety in Paradise' stars swimsuit models Jessica Gomes, Chrissy Teigen, Hannah Davis and Ariel Meredith. It features a cameo by supermodel Christie Brinkley, who looks stunning in a white bikini, as well.

Jessica Gomes soaks up some sun in the Cook Islands as she tells Air New Zealand passengers how to stay safe during their flight.

A behind the scenes teaser about the video sparked controversy after it was released on Thursday.

'Please pay close attention and obey all crew member instructions and all illuminated signs,' model Hannah Davis says while donning an aqua bikini.

Supermodel Christie Brinkley, who just turned 60, makes a cameo in the video.

An Air New Zealand spokesman told The Telegraph that the airline was "careful to ensure 'Safety in Paradise' has been produced in a way that is tasteful."

Air New Zealand is known for its quirky safety videos. In October it released one called "Safety Old School Style" with Betty White. Another featured a plane full of hobbits and other creatures from Middle Earth.

I travel the world now an an Entrepreneur and I have a very special Private Vacation Club that I travel with. I'm able to save up to 95% of of Expedia and Travelocity's BEST prices!

Want to save up to 95% off ALL your vacations as well?

Then check this out...

Enjoy :)

Steven The Biznutt Barnes

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How To Remove a Photo Background - Biznutt

SUBSCRIBE right below...

The Background Eraser Tool

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you

wan to learn ALL my YouTube secrets, tips, and tricks!

All right gang today is day six of the Internet Lifestyle

Network 100 Videos in 100 Days Challenge and here is

a quick video to teach you guys how to take a photo and

use the background eraser tool in Corel PaintShop

(or whatever program you have) to not only get rid of the

background, but transfer it onto a  background of your


And like that... POOF... it was gone.

No not Keyser Soze!

The background in that photo you have there.

This request snuck in last night asking..

"...Steve how do you make those custom photos

where you eliminate the back ground and put

yourself on-top of a different background?"

Well... I'm glad you asked because that's exactly

what I was going to teach you today.... err... it is


Welcome to the wonderful world of...

The Background Eraser!

Now... I use Corel PaintShop Pro X5 but I know

there are other photo editing programs out there

that have a background eraser tool as well. In fact,

if your skilled enough you can even use the paint

program that comes pre-loaded onto your computer

and it always has an eraser tool that you can

carefully use as a background eraser.

I choose PaintShop Pro because it not only erases

the background but it makes it transparent as well.

Which is important when you want to over lay your

new photo over top of a custom background.

Experiment with different backgrounds depending

on what it is your promoting (hint ILN background,

GRN background, a vacation spot, money...). The

options are endless!

If your ready to get active and use these new skills

to promote you and your new business... what... you

don't have your own business???

Well heck... here's the internet lifestyle network

dream that so many of my friends and I are living...

Join the community of people who are living the

internet lifestyle. I guarantee you've never seen

anything like what you're about to see!

Click that link and find out what

its all about!

Be sure and friend request me as well so you can

learn a lot MORE about all kinds of tips, tricks,

strategies, marketing know hows, and opportunities

that only come along every once in a while ;)

Love and Respect

Steven Barnes

Tefal ActiFry Low Fat Electric Fryer reviewed

Please give me LIKE if you enjoyed the video and definitely SUBSCRIBE!!

Who doesn't looooove French fries?

Tefal ActiFry Low Fat Electric Fryer reviewed

MMMMMmm mmmm! Nohing better that healthy meals!

Today guys I'm back in the kitchen on this Day 16 of the 100 Videos in 100 Days with the Internet Lifestyle Network Challenge. This time.. I'm making some healthier than you'd think french fries using a really great piece of kitchen hardware called the T-Fal Actifry.

The T-Fal ActiFry is basically a small hot air convection oven that slowly rotates the food inside  rotates the food inside. You can cook anything from veggies, potatoes, chicken, pork, fish, risotto, beef, even fruit! The recipe book is chalked FULL of amazing recipes and I will put a link to the recipe page. Anyway, as you know I'm doing my best to fully recover and this is just one more tool in my arsenal to do just that.

Check it out...

And have a look at all the recipes...

There is a newer version as well of the ActiFry that you will notice on their website. This is one of the most healthy ways to cook your food. Using no more than a Tbsp of oil, and baking everything means you are on the road to a healthier, happier you!

Best of all... its a quick healthy meal. And everyone wants quick healthy meals and healthy recipes!

I purchased the unit for approximately $200 at Canadian Tire. But, you can get the T-Fal ActiFry most anywhere in large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Costco... etc.

I hope you enjoy today's videos and be sure and subscribe to check out all my other videos on my YouTube Channel.

Here are a couple other kitchen videos you might enjoy...

Feel free to drop into my blog and see what the Internet Lifestyle is all about. I started this crazy adventure of mine off about three months ago and it has blossomed into something both amazing and lucrative!

If you're ready to follow me and start living this dream lifestyle where you can be home, have fun doing pretty much whatever you like, and make a living doing it... then you have to check it out on my BLOG

Happy cooking in the kitchen guys. healthy dinners is going to add years and years on to your life so remember...

If I can... you can too!

Love and Respect,

Steven Barnes