Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blazing The Trail Day 2 - Income Off The Grid



Whew... We're nearly finished blazing the trail!

Have you ever blazed a trail from a thick forest out in the middle of nowhere all day, every day, for a week?

What an incredible feat. I have to give my wife huge props for all the hard work she put in helping me down the trees, cut wood, chop, hatchet, and maul trees into submission. I think her favorite part was learning to use a chain saw for the first time. I know it was mine! Want to see her put it to work you can check out the video right here...

Folks, I am thrilled to let you know that the trail is finally complete. I have been at this for some time now and what an experience it's been. There is something incredible about carving out your own little piece of the world and honestly its one of the great achievements of my life... so far. Heck, we haven't even started building the off grid cabin yet.

The BEST parts for me have been... learning to use a chain saw properly, discovering so much more to our property that I ever expected, I lost 16lbs and I feel like a million bucks.

The trail we've been blazing is roughly 650 ft long and it runs from the top of Hidden lane (the top of section #3) all the way down to the bottom of section #1 where we're building our off the grid cabin.

Come and see what all the hubbub is about!

Steve The Biznutt Barnes

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